Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What is wrong with this?

I am... I guess, still lost. I was doing well in my search for finding God daily but, then I got sidetracked. I started reading some of what people were thinking about Newtown being a hoax. (If you haven't heard this or seen it, search for the video. I refuse to post it here) Also, lately my skin has been crawling with the hatred I am reading online. How can people have so much hatred for the President and First Lady just because they were shaking hands with people on the tour of the White House. I saw comments of hatred towards them, not for the policies they have but against how they look and what they are wearing. And not just, "I don't like her hair.", but things so mean I can't bring myself to share them. So, I guess I have lost my way again.

It makes me sad to know all the hate my girls are going to witness in this world. I think part of my struggle in finding God these days, is there is just so much hate being flung at everything. When I was younger, I didn't hear abut how partisan the government was and Fox News and other news organizations weren't there spreading a total disrespect for the office of the President. New stations would tell the facts without bias. Maybe that is what is wrong with our country and why we are having all the shootings. There is no respect for anything, parents, teachers and people in positions of authority. If there is no respect for these things how can we expect people to have respect for life.

While I love the age in which we live where information is available at our finger tips, I find the use of technology has removed us from being able to interact with others and see how our words can hurt and wound. It is too easy to marginalize people and the human spirit to just a website, e-mail address or phone number with no feelings to be hurt or minds to twist. I can't help but wonder where our world is headed.

I would love to know your thoughts on this. Why do you think things are so evil now? Or do you think I am over thinking this and our society has always had problems and I am just more aware now.

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