Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Am Searching...

I am struggling.  And I have been for awhile.  I have felt that I don't fit into a church.  I don't feel God working through the church.  I have felt attacked, judged and basically thrown aside by the church.  But, I don't believe these actions are Godlike and I refuse to allow them to mold my relationship with my God. Therefore, it is my goal here to find God everyday.  To be reminded that God is moving and working daily in this crazy, mixed-up world. 

I believe that the church as gotten so hung up on scripture that was written so incredibly long ago that they are failing to be God in the world today.  I think they would rather exclude "sinners" and live in a "holy bubble" than be the love that God calls us to be in the world.   

I admit these are MY feelings.  I am hoping that I am wrong and that is part of my journey here, to find God today where ever he may be.  I want to be reminded that God is still in this world and that he is working in our lives.  I am holding on to the scripture: Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

So, my first reminder that God is working today is:
Humankind Water exists to bring clean and safe drinking water to people in need. 100% of the net profits fund water projects for those suffering without clean water all over the world.

Everyday is a journey and I am on the path to find God!


  1. Sounds like my own internal struggle. I grew up in the church but don't believe that church should only be within the confines of the walls of a building. And I don't think that actually going to church gives someone the right to tear apart another human being and live without compassion for God's people!

    1. I know G, it is hard when you don't see God in action especially in the ones that are suppose to be his voice and hands in this world. I know it isn't all but a few apples can spoil the whole barrel. :( That is why I started this, I want to find the good and focus on that!
