Thursday, January 10, 2013

Seek And You Will Find

I have made it my mission to search for God. And it has surprised me, when I started to look for Him I found him! For me it isn't always hearing God's words spoken or religious conversation, it is seeing him in action.

Many non believers question how the faithful can believe in something they can't see or hear or have with undeniable proof that God is there. And I can only answer that there really is no proof. It must be faith. It is faith that I believe God made the earth. Seriously! When I think about the human body and all the things that have to be perfect for the body to work the way that it does... I have to believe that didn't happen by accident. And if evolution is part if it, I believe God was in charge. While I have no proof, it is something that I have faith in. And while I may have questions about what I believe, I don't for one minute doubt that God is real and in charge.

So with that said, I continue my quest! There are lots of articles that I have come across that are pretty cool. Here are three:

Church Sign: 'God Wants Spiritual Fruits, Not Religious Nuts' Gets Strong Reaction
This is a nice article about the use of church signs to make people think!

Pray For Civility: Faith Leaders Want Americans To Come Together For Common Good
I wish that everyone would do this.  I worry about the future of our country.  I feel we are so polarized that we will fail to find a common ground to make a difference in the US and in the world.

God Is Not A Christian: Desmond Tutu And The Dalai Lama's Extraordinary Talk On God And Religion
This last article, is my favorite!! Wisdom comes from life and listening to others.  I hope one day to be half as wise as these men.

Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

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