Friday, March 22, 2013

Have You Ever?

When I was in youth group, we played a game called, "I never". And the object of the game was to say something that you had never done that you were sure most people had. For example: I could say, "I never went to the movies." And if other people had, they would have to give me a chip or piece of candy.  I was cool to learn about others by playing it.  I want to switch it up a bit. I would like to know have you ever felt God’s presence with you, a physical knowledge that He was there.

The other night I was thinking about my interactions with God and times when I knew that God was with me. I have shared earlier in this blog about how I came to my relationship with God but I will share it again if you didn't happen to read that. :) The first time I felt God's presence was when I was 12 and my father passed away due to lung cancer. I obviously didn't know why he had to die. And the obvious question was "why did God take my dad?". Thankfully, I had (still do) a wonderful friend that shared with me what she thought and that she didn't believe God had anything to do with it. We talked a long time that night about God and how he loves me and wanted a relationship with me. And she asked if I wanted to pray to ask Jesus into my heart. My slow analytical brain wanted to wait. I wanted to think about it. So, either the next night or shortly thereafter, I remember lying in my bed. I remember thinking about all that she had said and I remember saying (in my head) "well, God if you are real, then I want You in my life." And what happened next defies everything that the world tells us can be true but I know what happened! As soon as the words were said, a rush, a wave, a blanket of energy and peace came over me. I remember being so happy but crying at the same time. I felt different!  I was not in a crowded room full of people that may have carried me on an emotional rollercoaster. No, the Holy Spirit had come to be with me. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I felt God that day.
The second time that I remember may sound cheesy but, here it goes. When I was still working for the church (I was a youth director) I was asked to go to a Jubilate Deo Chorale Easter concert. I sat in the auditorium, in an aisle seat. As the music started the story was told of Jesus and him entering a city talking to people and healing those that were sick. And an actor that was portraying Jesus was walking down the aisle, stopping and touching people. I watched and prayed for God to touch me just like that man was touching those people. The actor walked past me and stopped, turned around, came back to me and placed his hand on my head. I knew in that moment that God had sent him. His touch was warm and strong and reassuring. And as I sit and type these words I am sure people will say I have lost my mind. (Actually, most of my family say that. :) ) But, I believe that moment was a direct answer to my prayer and God was letting me know that He heard me and that he was with me.

The last time I can remember feeling God's spirit moving through me was a few years ago I was in a bible study and I was asked to pray for the group. I remember beginning to pray and then I remember there was a momentary disconnect between my body and my brain. I knew I was praying but that part of your brain where you can have conversations with yourself was talking to me. I was still praying but, it was almost like I could feel it happening without me doing it. I know it sounds weird. But after the prayer was over I literally could not remember what I prayed and I felt tingley all over. I believe God worked through me to pray for them, almost like it was a speaking in tongues type of moment but I’m pretty sure it was English.
While I know that God's Spirit is with me, these three times I felt different. They were more sensation than thoughts, if that makes sense. Have you ever experienced God physically near you, or working through you? I would love to hear about it! Please share your encounters with God with me.


  1. It's been extremely obvious that during the past year that we've been church hoppers God has been leading me to the messages I need to hear week by week. It's been powerful and amazing. The ah-ha moments have been accompanied by a wash of love, acceptance and guidance.
