Monday, February 25, 2013

Unpacking and Repacking

I have come to a profound realization! And I have my dearest friend to thank for the light bulb moment! This past weekend me and my girls had a sleepover!  My dear, wonderful friend who I have known since we were prepubescent, has twin daughters just a little older than my girls and, thankfully they like each other very much. So while our daughters had a sleepover my dear, wonderful friend and I got to spend some calming and relaxing time. (Thankfully our girls are a little older and we don't have to worry too much about them destroying anything or running amuck!)

After the girls went to sleep she and I were able to talk with some depth. Anyone with children knows that having an in depth conversation while they are around is like talking with a stutter and Alzheimer's all at the same time. My dear, wonderful friend was the reason I became a believer. She has been in my life for all my major questions and decisions in my life and, thankfully she is it here for me this time too.

While sharing with her my faith questions, I realized that while I am struggling with finding God in the world around me, my main struggle is that my beliefs are changing. My faith bag has been packed for a long time without periotically evaluating what is in there. And I realized the beliefs I have been carrying around I don't have faith in any longer and holy cow are they heavy!

I need to unpack my bag, evaluate each piece and see if it still is something I believe. I know there are a few things I will throw out right away. Others I will have to do some serious investigations to decide if they stay or not. So let the sorting begin!!

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought of it that way before. You two ladies are so wise!
